Thursday, June 26, 2008

Why Did the Duck Cross the Road??

I didn't address this perplexing question on my last post, which is shameful indeed! I don't have a terribly witty answer yet, but I couldn't just let it go. I must say the ducks have been happier with the new conditions, and the eggs are so much prettier when they lay them in doors. Maybe now they won't cross the road. Answer: Existential ennui? Snapping turtle anxiety?

A neighbor asked us if we wanted some Blue Swedes, which is the only other duck we've discussed getting. (This link is to an interesting man who lives in my area. He seems to be fanatical about dancing and ducks, which sounds good in my book.) My impulsive side got excited about more ducks, but I calmed her down realizing that we really can't get more ducks right now. Maybe next year.

3 comments: said...

Julia, if I may ask, what do you do with the eggs. Also the ducks, do you guys eat them???

Julia said...

Hi June--We don't eat the ducks, but we do eat the eggs! said...

Oh okay Julia. Now I'm happier. I felt they are just too beautiful. TQ for the info. :)